Orthodox Christian Health Care Providers in a Secular Environment
“Traditional Christians will be morally disruptive. Contrary to the liberal cosmopolitan ethic, they will indeed seek opportunities for converting others and directing them away from sin, as did the holy unmercenaries of the first centuries. The liberal cosmopolitan is right in discerning a real conflict between the duties of physicians as citizens of a social democracy and physicians as committed traditional Christians. The religious moral integrity of the traditional Christian will be expressed both in stepping back from any involvement in forbidden activities (e.g., abortion, artificial insemination from a donor, physician-assisted suicide) and in providing a witness to the truth of Christianity, which is always an invitation to repentance and conversion” (379).
Source: H. Tristram Engelhardt. The Foundations of Christian Bioethics. Lisse, The Netherlands: Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers, 2000. (Dr. Engelhardt is a Reader in the Orthodox Christian Church.)